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..<< = Pusat Niaga = >>..

Monday, 26 March 2012

Pusat: Pazar Seasonings

Title: Pazar Seasonings

Catagory: Perdagangan

Desription: "Pazar" is a product line of Indonesian seasonings made from fresh, high quality Indonesian herbs and spices with traditional recipes that are formulated through quality process with high hygiene.

Now you don't have to eat out to have a taste of Indonesian authentic food with a taste so authentic to Indonesian. You can now easily prepare Indonesian dishes at home by using Pazar Instant Seasonings.

Made from 100% Indonesian herbs and spices
facebook: or sms to: 021.2882.0400

Contact: Linheni

Phone: 021 2882 0400

Address: Jakarta Selatan

Email :

Photo jpg: tom yam.jpg

Code DZ05: tom yam


Pusat Jual Beli Industri Dan Jasa

Office Product Industry

Steam Coal | Industri Dan Niaga